Editorial Notes

The group is approach­ing cruis­ing altitude

Pic: Ker­stin Flake

I am glad to report that the lab is in full flight. (From left to right: ) Anna Wilsch, Julia Erb, Dr. Math­ias Scharinger, Dr. Mol­ly Hen­ry, and Antje Strauß have joined forces with me. We are hav­ing a splen­did time find­ing out more about speech, degra­da­tion of it, and the neur­al pro­cess­ing of it all. Stay tuned for great project work com­ing from these bright minds in the years to come.

NB – I hope you don’t mind that we chose the charm­ing back sides of Leipzig rather than our post­mod­ern Insti­tute build­ing as a back­ground. We actu­al­ly do work just 100 meters from this spot. Maybe we should make it our new hang-out spot and bring neu­ro­science to the streets?