Editorial Notes EEG / MEG Grants Hearing Loss

New grant by the Oti­con Foundation

Our lab has been award­ed a 100,000 € (750,000 DKK) research grant by the Dan­ish Oti­con foun­da­tion.

Togeth­er with Thomas Lun­ner from the Erik­sholm Research Cen­tre, we will explore real-time neur­al (EEG) mea­sures and forms of neur­al hear­ing-aid control.

This work is con­ceived to sup­port and fur­ther devel­op our efforts fund­ed ear­li­er in 2014 by the Volk­swa­gen Foun­da­tion (from the “Exper­i­ment!” call for high-risk projects, 100,000 €).