
SNAP 2017 — Timetable now online!

SNAP 2017 is draw­ing clos­er. Get ready and take a look at the program:

Day 1: 08.12.2017
08:00 — 09:10 Reg­is­tra­tion / Open­ing remarks
09:10 — 10:00 Edmund Lalor
10:00 — 10:50 Sarah Ver­hulst
10:50 — 11:10 Cof­fee break
11:10 — 12:00 Christoph Kayser
12:00 — 12:30 Dis­cus­sion (Impuls­es by Son­ja Kotz)
12:30 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 14:50 Tom Fran­cart
14:50 — 15:40 Nima Mes­garani
15:40 — 16:00 Cof­fee break
16:00 — 18:00 Posters and beers
19:00 Speak­ers Din­ner at Bud­dha Bowl
21:00 SNAP Par­ty at Gang 56
Day 2: 09.12.2017
09:30 — 10:20 Jen­nifer Bizley
10:20 — 11:10 Sami­ra Anderson
11:10 — 11:30 Cof­fee break
11:30 — 12:20 Maria Chait
12:20 — 12:50 Dis­cus­sion (Impuls­es by Thomas Münte)
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 14:50 Josh McDer­mott
14:50 — 15:30 Round-table / Wrap-up