Job Offers Uncategorized

Job alert in the Obleser lab! We are look­ing for a data sci­en­tist / neuro/ com­put­er scientist

Check out this new job ad (dead­line Dec 16), if you are inter­est­ed in work­ing on the com­plex­i­ty of high-dimen­sion­al neur­al data (and how to ensure its anonymi­ty) in this excit­ing new project with many col­leagues from Uni Lübeck and com­pa­nies around us.

This post is espe­cial­ly suit­ed for tal­ents look­ing for slight changes in their career tra­jec­to­ry (psy­chol­o­gists going data sci­ence, IT spe­cial­ists going neuro/health, or such).

Hold­ing already a doc­tor­al degree is nice but not a strict must-have at this stage.

Hit me up with any ques­tions you might have. — Jonas