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Editorial Notes Neural dynamics Neural Oscillations Uncategorized

eLife insight on uni­fy­ing brain networks

Oble­ser­lab net­work-sci­ence wiz and des­ig­nat­ed head of OPM-mag­ne­toen­cephalog­ra­phy oper­a­tions in Lübeck, Mohsen Alavash has pro­vid­ed a neat lit­tle “insight” (a mag­a­zine-like brief arti­cle, essen­tial­ly) in sci­en­tif­ic jour­nal eLife, “Brain Activ­i­ty: Uni­fy­ing net­works of a rhythm”.

In his eLife insight, Mohsen cov­ers a new study on brain-wide beta oscil­la­to­ry net­works and their link to the dopamin­er­gic sys­tem. The study emerges from the lab of Julian Neu­mann, with Meera Chik­er­mane as lead author. Check it out. 


Computational Modelling EEG / MEG Events Uncategorized

Joint lab meet­ing with the Don­ner lab

Last week, we ven­tured over to Ham­burg (a mere 65 km south­east of Lübeck) and spent a won­der­ful day with our friend­ly hosts, the Tobias Don­ner lab, at the Uni­ver­si­ty Clin­ic Eppen­dorf (UKE).

It was very inspir­ing to iden­ti­fy and dis­cuss the many com­mon threads that dri­ve our join inter­est in per­cep­tion and deci­sion-mak­ing, in fus­ing com­pu­ta­tion­al mod­el­ling of behav­iour with M/EEG and fMRI data, and in neu­ro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal con­cepts of arousal or excitation/inhibition bal­ance. Stay tuned for more to come from this excit­ing joint ven­ture with our local neigh­bours! Thanks, Tobias and team, for hav­ing us.

PS. I hope you like my attempts of shoot­ing a prop­er “boomer selfie”.

Obleser lab boomer selfie

Auf deutsch Editorial Notes Media Uncategorized Website

Der neue Hör-Newslet­ter ist da

Unsere diesjährige Aus­gabe des Hör-Newslet­ter mit eini­gen Neuigkeit­en aus Lübeck und aus unserem Forschungsla­bor ist da. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!

Editorial Notes Events

New research build­ing for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck: LEMMI is here to stay.

A very for­tu­nate devel­op­ment: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck has been grant­ed a new research build­ing (by rec­om­men­da­tion of the Wis­senschaft­srat, a piv­otal, joint fed­er­al- and state-lev­el agency for these matters) .

Jonas Obleser had the priv­i­lege to help steer the con­cep­tu­al stages of this new “Lübeck envi­ron­ment for minds and machines in inter­ac­tion” (LEMMI – named after no famous cul­tur­al icon in par­tic­u­lar). See here for the press release by the Wis­senschaft­srat; the final say – as usu­al – will be with the „Gemein­same Wis­senschaft­skon­ferenz“ (GWK) of Ger­man fed­er­al and state gov­ern­ments, which will con­vene next in July 2024.

The uni­ver­si­ty came out with a press release just now, and we are all very excit­ed that in the years to come a new, 3.000+ m2 research build­ing worth up to 63 mil­lion € might be built on Lübeck cam­pus premis­es that will cater specif­i­cal­ly to the needs of immer­sive AI-steered envi­ron­ments and all specifics of psy­cho­log­i­cal, com­put­er-sci­en­tif­ic and robot­ic research on human–AI interactions. 

Auditory Neuroscience Editorial Notes Grants Uncategorized

Jonas elect­ed and appoint­ed as DFG review panelist

Jonas Obleser has been elect­ed by the Ger­man sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty as one of the new mem­bers of the so-called “Fachkol­legium” (a select, stand­ing group of review pan­elists) of the Ger­man Research Foun­da­tion (DFG) in the field of sys­temic and cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science.

This is an hon­ourable, non-prof­it addi­tion­al task that pri­mar­i­ly involves sug­gest­ing fund­ings deci­sions for grant pro­pos­als in the field of neu­ro­science. Here’s to four excit­ing if work-intense years.

Auditory Neuroscience Editorial Notes Events Psychology Uncategorized

Oble­ser­lab retreat Jan­u­ary 2024

A few weeks ago, we had two sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly very intense days where we retreat­ed to Cor­nelius Borck’s love­ly Uni­ver­si­ty out­post in the pit­toresque city cen­ter of Lübeck (thanks for hav­ing us!) and re-vis­it­ed and re-thought out cur­rent and future research agen­da. Thanks to all cur­rent (and future!) lab mem­bers who con­tributed so thought­ful­ly to this. I enjoyed it immense­ly. After a few years with­out prop­er lab retreats and now the pan­dem­ic behind us, we will cer­tain­ly do more of this lat­er in the year.

Ageing Attention Auditory Neuroscience Auditory Perception Computational Modelling fMRI Job Offers Neural Oscillations Speech perception

We are hir­ing: two new PhD train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties start­ing ear­ly next year!

Our two senior researchers, Sarah Tune and Malte Wöst­mann, are hap­py to each announce the open­ing of a three-year PhD posi­tion in the Obleser lab. The posi­tions are part of two recent­ly fund­ed DFG grants, and will fea­ture real­ly excit­ing com­bi­na­tions of behav­iour mod­el­ling and neur­al dynamics!

Sarah’s project will look into how per­cep­tu­al infer­ence changes with age, using speech per­cep­tion as a mod­el sys­tem. It will bring togeth­er behav­iour­al speech per­cep­tion exper­i­ments and func­tion­al neu­roimag­ing, and apply com­pu­ta­tion­al mod­el­ling to link between the two.

For full details, see the offi­cial job ad.

Malte’s project will focus on audi­to­ry atten­tion and its neur­al bases. It will com­bine behav­iour­al and elec­troen­cephalog­ra­phy (EEG) data in younger and old­er adults to inves­ti­gate the neu­ro-cog­ni­tive mech­a­nisms under­ly­ing cap­ture of atten­tion and sup­pres­sion of distraction.

For full details, see the offi­cial job ad.

The appli­ca­tion dead­line (as sin­gle PDF to the email address named in the ad!) is Nov 19, 2023!

Please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact Sarah or Malte if you have any infor­mal ques­tions about PhD posi­tions and projects. Sarah will also be at APAN and SfN soon, if you feel like chat­ting with her about the position.

We are look­ing for­ward to many inter­est­ing applications!


Editorial Notes Events Hearing Loss Probandensuche Uncategorized

The “Hörhanse” [hanseat­ic hear­ing] has begun!

We are delight­ed to be a found­ing mem­ber of the Hörhanse, a Lübeck con­sor­tium of all play­ers research­ing, teach­ing, sell­ing, or treat­ing hear­ing.
Hear­ing acoustics is a focal point at the Hanse Inno­va­tion Cam­pus Lübeck. Unique in Ger­many is the large num­ber of insti­tu­tions that work togeth­er with renowned play­ers to advance the top­ic of hear­ing around the cam­pus: Hear­ing, acoustics and com­mu­ni­ca­tion are advanced in their most diverse facets in research projects, study pro­grammes, the nation­wide train­ing of hear­ing care pro­fes­sion­als, in the clin­i­cal area and through inter­dis­ci­pli­nary coop­er­a­tion.

The found­ing project part­ners of HörHanse are the three uni­ver­si­ties in Lübeck: our host insti­tu­tion Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck, plus the Lübeck Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy, Musikhochschule Lübeck (MHL), as well as the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal Schleswig-Hol­stein, the Ger­man Hear­ing Aid Insti­tute (DHI), the Fed­er­al Guild of Hear­ing Aid Acousti­cians (biha), the Acad­e­my of Hear­ing Aid Acoustics, the State Voca­tion­al School for Hear­ing Aid Acousti­cians, and the com­pa­ny hear con­cept.


See the Ger­man press release here.