Adaptive Control Editorial Notes Neural Oscillations Papers

New Paper accept­ed in Plos Biol­o­gy, Alavash et al.


Our lab is proud and hap­py that anoth­er major step­ping stone from our ERC con­sol­ida­tor project (“AUDADAPT”) is now accept­ed for pub­li­ca­tion in PLoS Biol­o­gy! Con­grat­u­la­tions to our first author Dr Mohsen Alavash, now a senior researcher in the Obleser lab in his own right.



Editorial Notes Neural Oscillations Neural Phase Papers Uncategorized

A qui­et inno­va­tor: Peter Lakatos (1972–2021)

Our dear col­league and col­lab­o­ra­tor Peter Lakatos passed away sud­den­ly two months ago. With Peter’s so untime­ly death at the age of 49, Neu­ro­science has suf­fered an unimag­in­able loss.
It has been an hon­our and priv­i­lege to con­tribute Peter Lakatos’ obit­u­ary to Nature Neu­ro­science.

— Jonas Obleser

The pic­ture shows Peter just after or dur­ing his talk at our SNAP 2013 work­shop at the Max Planck Insti­tute in Leipzig. Inci­dent­ly, this is also the talk I ref­er­enced in my recent obit­u­ary, linked above.

Editorial Notes

Wel­come to new mem­bers Hon­gi Ngo and Markus Kemper!

We would like to extend a warm wel­come to our new lab members:

Dr. Hong-Viet (“Hon­gi”) Ngo, who is a Uni Lübeck PhD alum­nus him­self, but joins us from the Don­ders Insti­tute and who is an avid expert on sleep, mem­o­ry, and audi­to­ry stim­u­la­tion to entrain slow-wave sleep activity.

Markus Kem­per just grad­u­at­ed from Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck and is a trained acoustics engi­neer and audi­ol­o­gist, ready to embark on a PhD dis­sect­ing the psy­cho­log­i­cal and phys­i­o­log­i­cal real­i­ty of that elu­sive con­struct “lis­ten­ing effort”. Notably, Markus is fund­ed by a joint effort of the Depart­ment of Psy­chol­o­gy, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck, and our Cam­pus neigh­bour and indus­try part­ner, the Deutsche Hörg­eräte Insti­tut, DHI (Ger­man Insti­tute of Hear­ing Aids).

What a time to make such career moves dur­ing a pan­dem­ic — good luck, and a pro­duc­tive and enjoy­able time to both of you!

Ageing Degraded Acoustics Editorial Notes Executive Functions Job Offers Uncategorized

We’re hir­ing (again): DFG-fund­ed 3‑year PhD posi­tion, apply by July 12 2020

Editorial Notes Job Offers Uncategorized

We are hir­ing! 4‑y post­doc­tor­al position

There is now an open­ing for an up-to-4-year (!) post­doc posi­tion in my lab for late summer/fall. Join us in Lübeck, Ger­many, and do cool behav­iour­al and neu­ro­science on neur­al dynam­ics, age­ing, sen­so­ry decline with us!

The appli­ca­tion dead­line (as sin­gle PDF to the email address named in the add!) is June 7 2020, see Ger­man and Eng­lish PDFs for all details.

Feel free to ring me up any time if you are inter­est­ed in chat­ting before­hand. Look­ing for­ward to many inter­est­ing applications!

— J.O.

Editorial Notes Events Uncategorized

New mem­bers in the Obleser lab

In the Obleser lab, we wel­come new mem­bers and PhD stu­dents Mar­tin Orf and Tro­by Lui.
Mar­tin did his MSc in Audi­ol­o­gy Tech­nol­o­gy here at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck. He is now join­ing us for PhD project fund­ed gen­er­ous­ly by our indus­try part­ner Widex Sivan­tos Audi­ol­o­gy,
revolv­ing around hear­ing aids and elec­troen­cephalo­graph­ic sig­na­tures of attention.
Tro­by did her MSc in Psy­chol­o­gy at Hong-Kong Uni­ver­si­ty and has already pub­lished in Neu­roim­age. She will do her PhD under direct super­vi­sion of Malte Wöst­mann in our lab, work­ing on a DFG-fund­ed project on atten­tion­al rhythms.
We also bid farewell to long-time Oble­ser­lab ally and PhD stu­dent Leo Waschke, who fin­ished his PhD on a high, and who is now a post­doc in Doug Garrett’s lab at the Max Planck Insti­tute in Berlin.
Hel­lo and Goodbye!
Adaptive Control Auditory Neuroscience Auditory Speech Processing Auf deutsch Events Executive Functions Hearing Loss Media Speech

Jonas pre­sent­ed for the KIND Hörs­tiftung in Berlin (Video)

Im Feb­ru­ar hat­te ich die Ehre, für die Kind Hörs­tiftung auf deren 2019er Sym­po­sium in Berlin unsere Arbeit­en zur Vorher­sage des Hör­erfol­gs exem­plar­isch anhand einiger unser­er Stu­di­en all­ge­mein­ver­ständlich zu beleucht­en. Ein 25-minütiges Video dieses Vor­trags ist jet­zt online.

(In Feb­ru­ary, I had the hon­our of pre­sent­ing some of our recent work on pre­dict­ing indi­vid­u­als’ lis­ten­ing suc­cess at the sym­po­sium of the Kind Hear­ing Foun­da­tion. A video in Ger­man is now available.)

Clinical relevance Grants Hearing Loss Job Offers

New research grant with Sivantos

Jonas and the lab are hap­py and thank­ful to announce a new research project fund­ed by Sivan­tos, Erlan­gen. We are look­ing very much for­ward to a renewed col­lab­o­ra­tion with the audi­o­log­i­cal sci­ence team around Ron­ny Han­ne­mann, begin­ning in Octo­ber 2019.

The three-year project will look into the psy­cho­log­i­cal and neu­ro­bi­o­log­i­cal chal­lenges of attend­ing and ignor­ing for nor­mal-hear­ing and hear­ing-impaired lis­ten­ers in com­plex acoustic scenes.