Human environments are rich in sensory signals from relevant sources (i.e., targets) and irrelevant sources (i.e., distractors). To achieve goals, the human mind has to focus attention on targets and suppress distraction. The overarching research goal of the “Dynamics of Attention” group is to uncover the intricate interplay of neuro-cognitive mechanisms involved in target enhancement and distractor suppression and their explanatory potential for human goal-oriented behaviour. Our research combines the areas psychology, neuroscience, and audiology.
Group leader
PD Dr. rer. nat. Malte Wöstmann
Department of Psychology University of Lübeck
+49 451 3101 3621
2021 — Habilitation, Psychology, University of Lübeck
2015 — PhD, Psychology, Leipzig University
2012 — M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University
2010 — B.Sc. Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University
- Max Schulz – PhD candidate, GitHub page
- Moritz Hegert – student assistant
- Nils Zimmermann – student assistant
Hannah Marie Meineke – master student, student assistant
Troby Ka-Yan Lui – PhD student
Felix Greuling – student assistant
Florian Christopher Kroon – student assistant
Nikolas Makowka – lab manager
Jennifer Klotke – audiologist
Frauke Kraus – Intern
Understanding capture and suppression in auditory attention (3‑year funding from DFG)
Status: Project has started in May 2024
Understanding the temporal dynamics of the auditory attentional filter (supported by DFG funding, 2019–2023)
Status: Project finished
Project publications
Lui T.K.-Y., Obleser J., Wöstmann M. (2025). Predicting the irrelevant: Neural effects of distractor predictability depend on load. European Journal of Neuroscience. 61, 2.
Lui T.K.-Y., Obleser J., Wöstmann M. (2023). Slow neural oscillations explain temporal fluctuations in distractibility. Progress in Neurobiology. 226, 102458.
Lui, T.K.Y. & Wöstmann M. (2022). Effects of temporally regular versus irregular distractors on goal-directed cognition and behavior. Scientific Reports. 12, 10020.–13211‑3
Wöstmann M., Lui, T.K.-Y., Friese, K.H., Kreitewolf, J., Naujokat, M., & Obleser, J. (2020). The vulnerability of working memory to distraction is rhythmic. Neuropsychologia, Volume 146, doi:
Quantification and prediction of CI users’ bimodal benefit – A neuro-cognitive approach
(supported by funding from Cochlear, 2019–2023)
Status: Project finished, data analyses and documentation ongoing
Project publications
Kraus, F. Tune, S. Ruhe, A. Obleser, J., & Wöstmann, M. (2021). Unilateral acoustic degradation delays attentional separation of competing speech. Trends in Hearing, Volume 25, doi:10.1177÷23312165211013242
Relation of Personality to Noise Sensitivity and Hearing-in-Noise
(supported by funding from International Hearing Foundation, 2019–2020)
Status: Project finished
Project publications
Wöstmann M., Erb J., Kreitewolf J., & Obleser J. (2021) Personality captures dissociations of subjective versus objective hearing in noise. R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210881.
Selected Publications
Wöstmann M., Störmer V., Obleser J., Andersen S.K., Gaspelin N., Geng J.J., Luck S.J., Noonan M.P., Slagter H., & Theeuwes J. (2022). Ten simple rules to study distractor suppression. Progress in Neurobiology, 213 (2022),
Wöstmann, M. (2022). Does attention follow a rhythm? Nature Human Behaviour, 6(9).–01365‑z
Schneider, D., Herbst, S. K., Klatt, L.-I., & Wöstmann, M. (2021). Target enhancement or distractor suppression? Functionally distinct alpha oscillations form the basis of attention. The European Journal of Neuroscience.
Wöstmann M., Alavash M., & Obleser J. (2019). Alpha oscillations in the human brain implement distractor suppression independent of target selection. Journal of Neuroscience, 39 (49), 9797–9805, doi:–19.2019
Wöstmann M., Vosskuhl J., Obleser J., & Herrmann C.S. (2018). Opposite effects of lateralised transcranial alpha versus gamma stimulation on auditory spatial attention. Brain Stimulation, 11:4, doi:
Wöstmann M., Lim S.J., & Obleser J. (2017). The Human Neural Alpha Response to Speech is a Proxy of Attentional Control. Cerebral Cortex, 27(6): 3307–3317,
Wöstmann M., Herrmann, B., Maess, B., & Obleser, J. (2016). Spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory attention synchronize with speech. PNAS, 113(14): 3873–3878,
Link to complete list of publications.
Selected Public Media Coverage & Science Outreach
Podcast “geWissKommt” on scientific communication (created with a group of Pschology Master students at the University of Lübeck)
Radio broadcast for SWR Das Wissen on better listening
Press release on Wöstmann et al (2021). Royal Society Open Science
Short report on Bild Online about Wöstmann et al (2020). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Press release on Wöstmann et al (2020). Journal of CognitiveNeuroscience
Short feature in Bayerischer Rundfunk on Wöstmann et al (2016). PNAS
NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin, short feature about Wöstmann et al (2016). PNAS
Press release on Wöstmann et al (2016). PNAS
Press Release on Wöstmann et al (2015). Journal of Neuroscience