PubMed Query for Anna Wilsch

  1. Lin, WM, Oetringer, DA, Bakker-Mar­shall, I, Emmerza­al, J, Wilsch, A, ElShafei, HA et al.. No behav­iour­al evi­dence for rhyth­mic facil­i­ta­tion of per­cep­tu­al dis­crim­i­na­tion. Eur J Neu­rosci. 2022;55 (11–12):3352–3364. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15208. PubMed PMID:33772897 PubMed Cen­tral PMC9540985.
  2. Erkens, J, Schulte, M, Vor­mann, M, Wilsch, A, Her­rmann, CS. Hear­ing Impaired Par­tic­i­pants Improve More Under Enve­lope-Tran­scra­nial Alter­nat­ing Cur­rent Stim­u­la­tion When Sig­nal to Noise Ratio Is High. Neu­rosci Insights. 2021;16 :2633105520988854. doi: 10.1177÷2633105520988854. PubMed PMID:33709079 PubMed Cen­tral PMC7907945.
  3. Wilsch, A, Merci­er, MR, Obleser, J, Schroed­er, CE, Hae­gens, S. Spa­tial Atten­tion and Tem­po­ral Expec­ta­tion Exert Dif­fer­en­tial Effects on Visu­al and Audi­to­ry Dis­crim­i­na­tion. J Cogn Neu­rosci. 2020;32 (8):1562–1576. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01567. PubMed PMID:32319865 PubMed Cen­tral PMC8078477.
  4. Wilsch, A, Hen­ry, MJ, Her­rmann, B, Her­rmann, CS, Obleser, J. Tem­po­ral Expec­ta­tion Mod­u­lates the Cor­ti­cal Dynam­ics of Short-Term Mem­o­ry. J Neu­rosci. 2018;38 (34):7428–7439. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2928–17.2018. PubMed PMID:30012685 PubMed Cen­tral PMC6596135.
  5. Wilsch, A, Neul­ing, T, Obleser, J, Her­rmann, CS. Tran­scra­nial alter­nat­ing cur­rent stim­u­la­tion with speech envelopes mod­u­lates speech com­pre­hen­sion. Neu­roim­age. 2018;172 :766–774. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.01.038. PubMed PMID:29355765 .
  6. Wilsch, A, Obleser, J. What works in audi­to­ry work­ing mem­o­ry? A neur­al oscil­la­tions per­spec­tive. Brain Res. 2016;1640 (Pt B):193–207. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.10.054. PubMed PMID:26556773 .
  7. Wilsch, A, Hen­ry, MJ, Her­rmann, B, Maess, B, Obleser, J. Slow-delta phase con­cen­tra­tion marks improved tem­po­ral expec­ta­tions based on the pas­sage of time. Psy­chophys­i­ol­o­gy. 2015;52 (7):910–8. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12413. PubMed PMID:25684032 .
  8. Wöst­mann, M, Her­rmann, B, Wilsch, A, Obleser, J. Neur­al alpha dynam­ics in younger and old­er lis­ten­ers reflect acoustic chal­lenges and pre­dic­tive ben­e­fits. J Neu­rosci. 2015;35 (4):1458–67. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3250–14.2015. PubMed PMID:25632123 PubMed Cen­tral PMC6795262.
  9. Wilsch, A, Hen­ry, MJ, Her­rmann, B, Maess, B, Obleser, J. Alpha Oscil­la­to­ry Dynam­ics Index Tem­po­ral Expec­ta­tion Ben­e­fits in Work­ing Mem­o­ry. Cereb Cor­tex. 2015;25 (7):1938–46. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu004. PubMed PMID:24488943 .
  10. Obleser, J, Wöst­mann, M, Hell­bernd, N, Wilsch, A, Maess, B. Adverse lis­ten­ing con­di­tions and mem­o­ry load dri­ve a com­mon α oscil­la­to­ry net­work. J Neu­rosci. 2012;32 (36):12376–83. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4908–11.2012. PubMed PMID:22956828 PubMed Cen­tral PMC6621258.
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