PubMed Query for Dr. Alex Brandmeyer

  1. Alavash, M, Daube, C, Wöst­mann, M, Brand­mey­er, A, Obleser, J. Large-scale net­work dynam­ics of beta-band oscil­la­tions under­lie audi­to­ry per­cep­tu­al deci­sion-mak­ing. Netw Neu­rosci. 2017;1 (2):166–191. doi: 10.1162/NETN_a_00009. PubMed PMID:29911668 PubMed Cen­tral PMC5988391.
  2. Fiedler, L, Wöst­mann, M, Gra­versen, C, Brand­mey­er, A, Lun­ner, T, Obleser, J et al.. Sin­gle-chan­nel in-ear-EEG detects the focus of audi­to­ry atten­tion to con­cur­rent tone streams and mixed speech. J Neur­al Eng. 2017;14 (3):036020. doi: 10.1088/1741–2552/aa66dd. PubMed PMID:28384124 .
  3. Sadaka­ta, M, Shin­gai, M, Sulpizio, S, Brand­mey­er, A, Sekiya­ma, K. Lan­guage spe­cif­ic lis­ten­ing of Japan­ese gem­i­nate con­so­nants: a cross-lin­guis­tic study. Front Psy­chol. 2014;5 :1422. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01422. PubMed PMID:25566113 PubMed Cen­tral PMC4263088.
  4. Brand­mey­er, A, Sadaka­ta, M, Spy­rou, L, McQueen, JM, Desain, P. Decod­ing of sin­gle-tri­al audi­to­ry mis­match respons­es for online per­cep­tu­al mon­i­tor­ing and neu­ro­feed­back. Front Neu­rosci. 2013;7 :265. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00265. PubMed PMID:24415996 PubMed Cen­tral PMC3874475.
  5. Brand­mey­er, A, Far­quhar, JD, McQueen, JM, Desain, PW. Decod­ing speech per­cep­tion by native and non-native speak­ers using sin­gle-tri­al elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal data. PLoS One. 2013;8 (7):e68261. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068261. PubMed PMID:23874567 PubMed Cen­tral PMC3708957.
  6. Brand­mey­er, A, Desain, PW, McQueen, JM. Effects of native lan­guage on per­cep­tu­al sen­si­tiv­i­ty to pho­net­ic cues. Neu­rore­port. 2012;23 (11):653–7. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e32835542cd. PubMed PMID:22692551 .
  7. Brand­mey­er, A, Tim­mers, R, Sadaka­ta, M, Desain, P. Learn­ing expres­sive per­cus­sion per­for­mance under dif­fer­ent visu­al feed­back con­di­tions. Psy­chol Res. 2011;75 (2):107–21. doi: 10.1007/s00426-010‑0291‑6. PubMed PMID:20574662 PubMed Cen­tral PMC3036826.
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