SNAP Work­shop 2017

After great suc­cess in the past, we are proud to announce a new SNAP Work­shop in Decem­ber 8|9 2017. This time it will take place at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck!

The work­shop will bring togeth­er, for two days of sci­ence, about 12 inter­na­tion­al speak­ers on neu­ro­science, psy­chophysics and engi­neer­ing per­spec­tives on pro­cess­ing degrad­ed sound and speech.

We hope­ful­ly will (re-)cre­ate an intense atmos­phere of ideas and dis­cus­sions, flanked by some posters from grad­u­ate stu­dents and post­docs who will be able to reg­is­ter for the work­shop as well.
We aim for not more than 40 par­tic­i­pants in total. These slots will be giv­en by a first come, first serve basis. Reg­is­tra­tion closed!

9 Speak­ers already con­firmed to give a talk dur­ing SNAP:
Sami­ra Ander­son, U Mary­land Col­lege Park, USA
Jen­nifer Biz­ley, UCLUK
Maria Chait, UCLUK
Tom Fran­cart, U Leu­ven, BE
Christoph Kayser, U Glas­gow, UK
Edmund Lalor, U Rochester, USA
Josh McDer­mott, MITUSA
Nima Mes­garani, U Colum­bia, USA
Sarah Ver­hulst, U Ghent, BE
We will hold the work­shop in the heart of Lübeck’s medieval city cen­tre (an island, actu­al­ly), which is UNESCO world cul­tur­al heritage.
In Decem­ber, when you will be here, Lübeck also holds a quite pit­toresque Ger­man christ­mas market.


Day 1: 08.12.2017
08:00 — 09:10 Reg­is­tra­tion / Open­ing remarks
09:10 — 10:00 Edmund Lalor
10:00 — 10:50 Sarah Ver­hulst
10:50 — 11:10 Cof­fee break
11:10 — 12:00 Christoph Kayser
12:00 — 12:30 Dis­cus­sion (Impuls­es by Son­ja Kotz)
12:30 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 14:50 Tom Fran­cart
14:50 — 15:40 Nima Mes­garani
15:40 — 16:00 Cof­fee break
16:00 — 18:00 Posters and beers
19:00 Speak­ers Din­ner at Bud­dha Bowl
21:00 SNAP Par­ty at Gang 56
Day 2: 09.12.2017
09:30 — 10:20 Jen­nifer Bizley
10:20 — 11:10 Sami­ra Anderson
11:10 — 11:30 Cof­fee break
11:30 — 12:20 Maria Chait
12:20 — 12:50 Dis­cus­sion (Impuls­es by Thomas Münte)
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 14:50 Josh McDer­mott
14:50 — 15:30 Round-table / Wrap-up

Reg­is­tra­tion & pay­ment arrangements

Please save your place at the SNAP 2017 work­shop. There is a max­i­mum of about 40 par­tic­i­pants – first come, first serve.
Reg­is­tra­tion closed!

There is a 120€ fee per par­tic­i­pant, no addi­tion­al tax­es. The fee includes par­tic­i­pa­tion in a two-day Work­shop includ­ing a Poster Ses­sion, a lunch buf­fet, snacks, and bev­er­ages dur­ing the whole dura­tion of the Workshop.

Trans­fer the fee under the ref­er­ence “SNAP 2017” + “par­tic­i­pan­t’s name” (exam­ple: SNAP 2017 Mueller) to the fol­low­ing account:

Recip­i­ent: FVA S‑H (Finanzver­wal­tungsamt Schleswig-Hol­stein ‑Lan­deskasse-) Bun­des­bank Hamburg
IBAN: DE52 2000 0000 0020 2015 35
Ref­er­ence: SNAP 2017 (par­tic­i­pan­t’s name)

If you do not have access to a Euro­pean bank account for mon­ey trans­fer, please con­tact us at (

Poster Ses­sion

In the course of the work­shop we will hold a poster ses­sion (with posters on dis­play for both days). If you would like to par­tic­i­pate, please make sure that you have reg­is­tered for the work­shop and vis­it the poster reg­is­tra­tion after­wards. Sub­mis­sion dead­line for the Posters will be July 31st, accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tions will be sent out in August 2017. There will be about 30 Posters max.

The Loca­tion

The work­shop will take place in the ATLANTIC Hotel in Lübeck. The exact address is:
ATLANTIC Hotel Lübeck
Schmiedestraße 9–15
23552 Lübeck

ATLANTIC Hotel Lübeck is locat­ed right in the his­toric dis­trict of Lübeck.

When arriv­ing by car

Com­ing from A1: Leave the A1 at the “Lübeck-Zen­trum” exit and fol­low the signs head­ing in direc­tion B 206, “Fähre Nordlandkai”.
Enter the round­about and leave it at the first exit onto “Bei der Lohmüh­le (K 25)”. After 250m, turn left into “Fack­en­burg­er Allee (B 206)”.
Fol­low the road on the B 206 and car­ry on straight on the “Lin­den­platz”. Leave the round­about Lin­den­platz at the 3rd exit “zur Puppenbrücke”.
Cross the “Pup­pen­brücke” bridge and con­tin­ue until you reach Hol­sten Gate. At Hol­sten Gate, move over to the right lane.
This will bring you to the his­toric dis­trict of Lübeck on “Hol­sten­straße” street. About 200 m behind Hol­sten Gate,
leave “Hol­sten­straße” and turn right into “Schmiedestraße”. The hotel is locat­ed on the right.
Next to the hotel you will find a pub­lic park­ing garage. The hotel-own under­ground car park can be accessed via “Große Petersgrube/Kleine Kiesau”. Reserv­ing a park­ing space pri­or to arrival is necessary.

Com­ing from A20: Leave the A20 at the 2a Lübeck-Genin exit and car­ry on straight on “Baltischen Allee” and then on Genin­er Straße (B75).
In the round­about, take the 4th exit at “Pos­sehlstraße” (B207) and Wall­straße (K23) and con­tin­ue toward the city centre.
Turn right at the Pos­sehlstraße / Hol­sten­er Tor­platz inter­sec­tion, head­ing toward Hol­sten Gate.
At Hol­sten Gate, move to the right lane. This will take you to the his­toric dis­trict of Lübeck on “Hol­sten­straße”. About 200 m behind Hol­sten Gate, leave “Hol­sten­straße” and turn right into “Schmiedestraße”.
The hotel is locat­ed on the right. Next to the hotel you will find a pub­lic park­ing garage. The hotel-own under­ground car park can be accessed via “Große Petersgrube/Kleine Kiesau”.
Reserv­ing a park­ing space pri­or to arrival is necessary.

When arriv­ing by train

From Lübeck main train sta­tion, using pub­lic trans­port or a taxi, you will arrive with­in a few min­utes (line 2, 6, 7, 9, 16, 19, stop “Sand­straße”, right into Schmiedestraße). Walk­ing from the train sta­tion will require about 15 minute.
Look for your connection

When arriv­ing by plane

From Lübeck air­port, you can reach us with­in a few min­utes when tak­ing a taxi or the bus, line 6, stop “Kohlmarkt”.

From Ham­burg air­port Fuhls­büt­tel, we rec­om­mend tak­ing the train to “Ham­burg Haupt­bahn­hof”. Change trains there to “Lübeck Hauptbahnhof”.


Unfor­tu­nate­ly we can only take care of Hotel reser­va­tions for the invit­ed speak­ers. To make the search a lit­tle eas­i­er for you, we here list a few Hotels in walk­ing dis­tance to our work­shop location:
H4 Hotel Lübeck
Radis­son Blu Sen­a­tor Hotel
ibis Lübeck City Hotel
B&B Hotels Lübeck

Keep in mind that the work­shop will take place dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son and Lübeck is very pop­u­lar at that time of the year. Rooms will be sought-after, so make your reser­va­tions as soon as possible.