Editorial Notes

Greet­ings from the East Coast Mini-sabbatical

In these last months of 2014, I am spend­ing a few weeks in New York and the East Coast. Thanks to my gen­er­ous host Peter Lakatos at the NKI and pam­pered by the mar­vel­lous Eras­mus Mundus pro­gram ini­ti­at­ed by Rudolf Rueb­samen and Marc Schoen­wies­ner, I am for­tu­nate to explore with Peter a com­par­a­tive view on the role of alpha oscil­la­tions in audi­to­ry cor­tex and in thal­a­mo-cor­ti­cal circuits.
This stay essen­tial­ly sand­wich­es a pro­duc­tive vis­it to the Soci­ety for Neu­ro­science 2014 meet­ing in DC a few weeks ago, where our group pre­sent­ed four posters this year.
Also, it has been a great hon­our to be award­ed the Young Inves­ti­ga­tors Spot­light talk at this year’s APAN meet­ing (an annu­al audi­to­ry-neu­ro­science SfN satel­lite). Invi­ta­tions to  the labs of David Poep­pel (for the impres­sive annu­al BryCo­Co bash); Bar­bara Shinn-Cun­ning­ham, Oded Ghitza, and Steve Col­bourn (at the Boston Hear­ing Research Cen­ter) and to the lab of Sabine Kast­ner (Prince­ton Neu­ro­science Insti­tute) have ren­dered this stay high­ly mem­o­rable before it is even over.