
PhD Stu­dent Lorenz Fiedler join­ing the Black­mar­ket for Use­ful Knowl­edge and Non-Knowl­edge, No. 19 as an expert

Dis­abil­i­ty, tech­no-bod­ies, and the ques­tion of auton­o­my. On Fri­day the 21th Octo­ber, Lorenz is join­ing the 19th “Schwarz­markt des Wis­sens” in Hamburg.

The Black­mar­ket attempts to bring togeth­er areas, which gen­er­al­ly do not belong togeth­er in pub­lic per­cep­tion: the real­i­ty of phys­i­cal and men­tal dis­abil­i­ty with crit­i­cal visions on the future of the body and soci­ety. Wheel­chair users, bio­hack­ers, cyborgs, post‑, trans- and para-humans and human­ists, sign lan­guage users, physi­cians, pros­thetists, ethi­cists, robot­ic experts and the neu­ro-diver­gent, artists, tech­no­log­i­cal prophets and crit­ics come togeth­er to invent an ethics for con­tem­po­rary bodies.”