Clinical relevance Statistics

New paper out in Sci­ence Advances: Sta­tis­ti­cal con­tri­bu­tions to find­ing a Hepati­tis C vaccine

The ways of sci­ence can be quite long-wind­ed and intri­cate sometimes:

In such a project, Oble­ser­lab team mem­bers Sarah Tune and myself (J.O.) had been mak­ing inter­est­ing con­tact with the very remote fields of bio­chem­istry and infec­ti­ol­o­gy, through the lab of Lübeck‘s Thomas Krey and their quite excit­ing project: Design­ing a new can­di­date for an hith­er­to unavail­able vac­cine against the Hepati­tis C virus; and then going on to test its poten­cy in a series of experiments.

Ulti­mate­ly, the Oble­ser­lab con­tributed sta­tis­ti­cal mod­el­ling for these exper­i­men­tal data — The final paper is now out in Sci­ence Advances. Sarah and I (J.O.) made it a mis­sion to apply some state-of-the-art lin­ear mixed mod­els and ade­quate data trans­forms not com­mon­ly used in this kind of work (see screen­shot attached.)
Thanks to Kumar and Thomas and all teams involved, for let­ting us ven­ture far out­side of our com­fort zone with this intrigu­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive effort.