Our lab has continued to diversify considerably and to mature academically over the last years. With Sarah Tune and Malte Wöstmann, we have now two senior scientists who lead teams within our group, which I am very proud of. Sarah Tune leads the Cognitive Modelling team and Malte Wöstmann has been leading the Dynamics of Attention team for quite a while.
At the borders of our lab proper, I am very happy that Mohsen Alavash remains affiliated with us, although he is now primarily leading the Lübeck OPM–Magnetoencephalography efforts.
Also, Niels Kloosterman operates his research independently in the Department of Psychology but I am very honoured that he collaborates closely with us.
See the current and slightly updated lab structure of the Obleser lab | Auditory Cognition group | Chair of Physiological Psychology and Research Methods again below.
Here’s to great science to come! Jonas