Our new paper on neural entrainment with spectral fluctuations, and its effects on near-threshold auditory perception is now online in the “early edition” of PNAS:
Henry, MJ & Obleser, J (in press):
Frequency modulation entrains slow neural oscillations and optimizes human listening behavior
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)

Here is the abstract:
The human ability to continuously track dynamic environmental stimuli, in particular speech, is proposed to profit from “entrainment” of endogenous neural oscillations, which involves phase reorganization such that “optimal” phase comes into line with temporally expected critical events, resulting in improved processing. The current experiment goes beyond previous work in this domain by addressing two thus far unanswered questions. First, how general is neural entrainment to environmental rhythms: Can neural oscillations be entrained by temporal dynamics of ongoing rhythmic stimuli without abrupt onsets? Second, does neural entrainment optimize performance of the perceptual system: Does human auditory perception benefit from neural phase reorganization? In a human electroencephalography study, listeners detected short gaps distributed uniformly with respect to the phase angle of a 3‑Hz frequency-modulated stimulus. Listeners’ ability to detect gaps in the frequency-modulated sound was not uniformly distributed in time, but clustered in certain preferred phases of the modulation. Moreover, the optimal stimulus phase was individually determined by the neural delta oscillation entrained by the stimulus. Finally, delta phase predicted behavior better than stimulus phase or the event-related potential after the gap. This study demonstrates behavioral benefits of phase realignment in response to frequency-modulated auditory stimuli, overall suggesting that frequency fluctuations in natural environmental input provide a pacing signal for endogenous neural oscillations, thereby influencing perceptual processing.
NB: There is also a press release by the Max Planck Society on the topic.
- Henry MJ, Obleser J. Frequency modulation entrains slow neural oscillations and optimizes human listening behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 4;109(49):20095–100. PMID: 23151506. [Open with Read]