Auditory Neuroscience Papers

New paper in the Euro­pean Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science: Neur­al Effects of Dis­trac­tor Pre­dictabil­i­ty Depend on Load

Out now in EJN: Tro­by Lui, Jonas Obleser, & Malte Wöst­mann show that the lis­ten­ing brain extracts sub­tle sta­tis­ti­cal reg­u­lar­i­ties from a sequence of irrel­e­vant speech items. Pre­dic­tion of dis­trac­tors is not ful­ly auto­mat­ic but depends on the avail­abil­i­ty of per­cep­tu­al and cog­ni­tive resources. We believe that these find­ings help under­stand poten­tial ben­e­fits of pre­dictable dis­trac­tors for goal-direct­ed neur­al pro­cess­ing and its depen­dence on per­cep­tu­al and cog­ni­tive resource limitations.


This is the final study of Malte’s DFG project Under­stand­ing the tem­po­ral dynam­ics of the audi­to­ry atten­tion­al fil­ter. PhD can­di­date Max Schulz and Malte are already busy work­ing on the fol­low up project Under­stand­ing cap­ture and sup­pres­sion in audi­to­ry atten­tion. Stay tuned for more insights into the intri­cate dynam­ics of attention!

Editorial Notes Publications

Jonas Obleser appoint­ed as senior edi­tor for the Jour­nal of Neuroscience

Start­ing Jan­u­ary 1, 2025, Jonas Obleser will serve as a Senior Edi­tor for The Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science. This pres­ti­gious role, ini­tial­ly set for three years with an option to extend, places him at the core of the edi­to­r­i­al team, under the lead­er­ship of renowned Ger­man-Amer­i­can neu­ro­sci­en­tist Sabine Kast­ner (Prince­ton).

As Senior Edi­tor, Jonas will over­see the assign­ment of sub­mit­ted man­u­scripts to review­ing edi­tors and coor­di­nate the peer-review process with experts world­wide. The senior edi­tor issues deci­sions regard­ing the accep­tance, revi­sion, or rejec­tion of sci­en­tif­ic papers.

The Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science ranks among the top five most-cit­ed neu­ro­science jour­nals glob­al­ly. It has pub­lished peer-reviewed research for over 40 years and serves as the offi­cial jour­nal of the Soci­ety for Neu­ro­science (SfN), the largest organ­i­sa­tion ded­i­cat­ed to under­stand­ing the brain and ner­vous sys­tem, with near­ly 37,000 mem­bers in over 90 countries.

Acoustics Attention Auditory Neuroscience Events Media Neural Filters Publications Speech perception

Mar­tin Orf receives EUHA Award for Out­stand­ing Thesis

Mar­tin Orf is one of three recip­i­ents of this year’s EUHA Award for Out­stand­ing The­sis from the Euro­pean Union of Hear­ing Acousti­cians. His the­sis, titled “Selec­tive Atten­tion in Mul­ti-Talk­er Sit­u­a­tions: Neur­al and Behav­ioral Mech­a­nisms”, offers valu­able insights into the neur­al and behav­iour­al process­es behind selec­tive atten­tion in com­plex lis­ten­ing envi­ron­ments. A key find­ing of his research is that the neur­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of attend­ed speech becomes stronger when a com­pet­ing, ignored speech stream is being com­pressed in its dynam­ics (a very com­mon yet ill-under­stood sig­nal pro­cess­ing tech­nique in audio pro­duc­tion and also in hear­ing devices). Martin’s dis­cov­ery could con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of future hear­ing aid algo­rithms and in the refine­ment  of exist­ing ones.

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Der neue Hör-Newslet­ter ist da

Unsere diesjährige Aus­gabe des Hör-Newslet­ter mit eini­gen Neuigkeit­en aus Lübeck und aus unserem Forschungsla­bor ist da. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!