Ageing Auditory Cortex Editorial Notes Events Grants

ERC Con­sol­ida­tor Grant award­ed to Jonas Obleser

It is with great plea­sure that we can report on a new major grant for the Audi­to­ry Cog­ni­tion group / Obleser lab: In the 2014 call by the Euro­pean Research Coun­cil (ERC), Jonas Obleser has very recent­ly been award­ed an ERC Con­sol­ida­tor grant (for researchers 7–12 years post their PhD), worth 1.97 mil­lion €. The grant has been award­ed to fund a project enti­tled “The lis­ten­ing chal­lenge: How age­ing brains adapt”. The project will last for five years.

Read the offi­cial ERC press release here.

