Auditory Cortex Brain stimulation Papers Psychology Publications

New paper in press at eNeu­ro: Herb­st, Fiedler and Obleser on track­ing tem­po­ral haz­ard in the human EEG

Here, we show that human par­tic­i­pants use implic­it mod­u­la­tions of  tem­po­ral haz­ard, the prob­a­bil­i­ty of an item to occur at a cer­tain moment in time giv­en it has not yet occurred, when per­form­ing a pitch dis­crim­i­na­tion task. Using an encod­ing mod­el approach allows us to iso­late the track­ing of  tem­po­ral haz­ard by the time domain EEG sig­nal, notably by the sup­ple­men­tary motor area, a region known for its impli­ca­tion in timing.

The paper is avail­able as preprint:

Herb­st SK, Fiedler L & Obleser J (2018), Track­ing tem­po­ral haz­ard in the human elec­troen­cephalo­gram using a for­ward encod­ing mod­el. eNeu­ro (in press).