Auditory Neuroscience Auditory Speech Processing Psychology

SNAP 2017 was a vast success

SNAP 2017 took place on Decem­ber 8 and 9 in Lübeck, Germany.

Nine inter­na­tion­al­ly esteemed speak­ers and in total more than six­ty researchers from all over Europe, Cana­da and the US made the sec­ond Sig­nal and Noise Along the Audi­to­ry Path­way work­shop a mem­o­rable occa­sion in audi­to­ry neuroscience.

Thanks to every­body for com­ing out!, and see you all again for SNAP 2019, at a loca­tion to be announced.


SNAP2017 draw­ing closer!

Save your slot at the SNAP2017 work­shop in Lübeck (Decem­ber 8–9). Reg­is­tra­tion is avail­able at and will end soon! A first line-up is already live. Sub­mis­sion dead­line for the Posters will be July 31st, accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tions will be sent out in August 2017.

The work­shop will bring togeth­er, for two days of sci­ence, about 12 inter­na­tion­al speak­ers on neu­ro­science, psy­chophysics and engi­neer­ing per­spec­tives on pro­cess­ing degrad­ed sound and speech.

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