Editorial Notes Events Media Publications

SNAP sum­ma­ry and impressions

The SNAP work­shop (Sig­nal and Noise along the Audi­to­ry Path­way) is behind us.

It is safe to say that it has been a great suc­cess. We will care­ful­ly look into the eval­u­a­tion forms you pro­vid­ed, and we will inform here in due course whether and when a 2nd SNAP (poten­tial­ly 2015) is in the making.

Let us thank all of you who made SNAP hap­pen. It turned a fun and suc­cess­ful sci­en­tif­ic year 2013 into an even greater one. Thank you! We hope to see you soon again, somewhere.

Now, here are some impres­sions of SNAP 2013:

P.S. Here you find Jonas’ clos­ing sum­ma­ry notes:

SNAP 2013 ad hoc sum­ma­ry — Jonas Obleser


Editorial Notes Events

SNAP Day 1 is behind us

A great day 1 of the SNAP work­shop is behind us. It could go on for­ev­er, if it would be accord­ing to me.

While Thomas Lun­ner was sad­ly stopped short by new pro­gram com­mit­tee mem­ber, pan-Euro­pean storm ras­cal “Xaver”, 45 oth­ers made it suc­ces­ful­ly to the Max Planck in Leipzig, wit­ness­ing Ingrid John­srude, Torsten Dau, Alexan­dra Ben­dix­en, Maria Chait, Jonathan Peelle, and Peter Lakatos bring­ing the house down.

With the speak­ers’ sup­port, I will poten­tial­ly post a sum­ma­ry pdf of my clos­ing remarks, which I will give tomor­row, for pub­lic access.

As for now, feel free to fol­low Car­olyn McGet­ti­gan and Jonathan Peelle cov­er­ing some of it as SNAP con­tin­ues into day 2 (#SNAPleipzig).

SNAP 2013 Group Photo

Editorial Notes

Wel­come Malte Wöstmann

We wel­come Malte Wöst­mann, who grad­u­at­ed from the Cog­ni­tive Sci­ence pro­gram in Osnabrück, as a new PhD stu­dent in the group.

Malte will be part of the new (2012–2015) cohort of the Inter­na­tion­al Max Planck Research School “Neu­ro­com”.

By the way, Malte already worked with us as an intern in 2010 and recent­ly co-authored our J Neu­rosci arti­cle on alpha oscil­la­tions and work­ing mem­o­ry [see also press release].

Auditory Working Memory Degraded Acoustics EEG / MEG Executive Functions Neural Oscillations Noise-Vocoded Speech Papers Publications Speech

New paper out: Obleser et al., The Jour­nal of Neuroscience

Adverse Lis­ten­ing Con­di­tions and Mem­o­ry Load Dri­ve a Com­mon Alpha Oscil­la­to­ry Network

Whether we are engaged in small talk or try­ing to mem­o­rise a tele­phone num­ber — it is our short-term mem­o­ry that ensures we don’t lose track. But what if the very same mem­o­ry gets addi­tion­al­ly taxed because the words to be remem­bered are hard to understand?

Obleser et al., J Neu­rosci 2012: Alpha oscil­la­tions are enhanced both by mem­o­rised dig­its and by the adverse acoustic con­di­tions that these dig­its had been pre­sent­ed in.
Obleser, J., Woest­mann, M., Hell­bernd, N., Wilsch, A. , Maess, B. (2012). Adverse lis­ten­ing con­di­tions and mem­o­ry load dri­ve a com­mon alpha oscil­la­to­ry net­work. Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science. Sep­tem­ber 5, 2012 • 32(36):12376 –12383


  • Obleser J, Wöst­mann M, Hell­bernd N, Wilsch A, Maess B. Adverse lis­ten­ing con­di­tions and mem­o­ry load dri­ve a com­mon α oscil­la­to­ry net­work. J Neu­rosci. 2012 Sep 5;32(36):12376–83. PMID: 22956828. [Open with Read]