If you happen to be at SfN this week, you might want to check out my short presentation on a recent study [1] we did: What do spectral (frequency-domain) and temporal (time-domain) features really contribute to speech comprehension processes in the temporal lobes?
It is in the Auditory Cortex Session (710), taking place in Room 145B. My talk is scheduled for 0945 am.
Obleser, J., Eisner, F., Kotz, S.A. (2008) Bilateral speech comprehension reflects differential sensitivity to spectral and temporal features. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(32):8116–8124.
- Obleser J, Eisner F, Kotz SA. Bilateral speech comprehension reflects differential sensitivity to spectral and temporal features. J Neurosci. 2008 Aug 6;28(32):8116–23. PMID: 18685036. [Open with Read]
Speech comprehension has been shown to be a strikingly bilateral process, but the differential contributions of the subfields of left and right auditory cortices have remained elusive. The hypothesis […]