Adaptive Control Auditory Neuroscience Auditory Speech Processing Auf deutsch Events Executive Functions Hearing Loss Media Speech

Jonas pre­sent­ed for the KIND Hörs­tiftung in Berlin (Video)

Im Feb­ru­ar hat­te ich die Ehre, für die Kind Hörs­tiftung auf deren 2019er Sym­po­sium in Berlin unsere Arbeit­en zur Vorher­sage des Hör­erfol­gs exem­plar­isch anhand einiger unser­er Stu­di­en all­ge­mein­ver­ständlich zu beleucht­en. Ein 25-minütiges Video dieses Vor­trags ist jet­zt online.

(In Feb­ru­ary, I had the hon­our of pre­sent­ing some of our recent work on pre­dict­ing indi­vid­u­als’ lis­ten­ing suc­cess at the sym­po­sium of the Kind Hear­ing Foun­da­tion. A video in Ger­man is now available.)

Events Media Uncategorized

Jonas appoint­ed review­ing edi­tor for The Jour­nal of Neuroscience

After three very inter­est­ing and instruc­tive years as a han­dling edi­tor for Neu­roim­age, I have just accept­ed an invi­ta­tion to join my favourite jour­nal, the clas­sic Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science, as what they call “Review­ing edi­tor” (i.e., han­dling or action edi­tor). Look­ing for­ward to some excit­ing sci­ence on our desks there!

The sci­en­tif­ic pub­lish­ing field is chang­ing fast, and I am par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help fos­ter a suc­cess­ful, soci­ety-run jour­nal like The Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science in the three upcom­ing years.

— Jonas

Ageing Auditory Cortex Events Perception Psychology

Sym­po­sium at PuG 2018

Dur­ing the upcom­ing meet­ing of “Psy­chol­o­gy and the Brain 2018”, PhD stu­dent Leo Waschke will be host­ing a sym­po­sium on states and traits of neur­al activ­i­ty and their func­tion­al rel­e­vance for per­cep­tion and age­ing. Togeth­er with Lin­da Geerligs (Don­ders Insti­tute, NL), Marieke Schölvinck (ESI, Frank­furt) and Niels Kloost­er­man (MPIB, Berlin) he will be address­ing fluc­tu­a­tions in brain activ­i­ty on a host of timescales from mil­lisec­onds to min­utes. We are look­ing for­ward to meet­ing you in Giessen.

Events Probandensuche Publications

Audi­to­ry cog­ni­tion newsletter

Come and see our very first audi­to­ry cog­ni­tion newslet­ter. From now on we want to present impres­sions of our lat­est work and results twice a year. In the inter­view sec­tion you also have the chance to learn more about our members. 

Please note: As the newslet­ter also reach­es our par­tic­i­pants it is writ­ten in german.


SNAP2017 draw­ing closer!

Save your slot at the SNAP2017 work­shop in Lübeck (Decem­ber 8–9). Reg­is­tra­tion is avail­able at and will end soon! A first line-up is already live. Sub­mis­sion dead­line for the Posters will be July 31st, accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tions will be sent out in August 2017.

The work­shop will bring togeth­er, for two days of sci­ence, about 12 inter­na­tion­al speak­ers on neu­ro­science, psy­chophysics and engi­neer­ing per­spec­tives on pro­cess­ing degrad­ed sound and speech.

© az1172/ Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]
Attention Events Executive Functions

MSc stu­dent Lea-Maria Schmitt wins Col­in Cher­ry Award 2017

Wow: Mas­sive con­grat­u­la­tions to Lea Schmitt, who just has been award­ed the Col­in Cher­ry Award 2017 at the 9th Speech in Noise (SPIN) work­shop in Old­en­burg. Ger­many. The Col­in Cher­ry award hon­ours the best poster (audi­ence award) and gets you a cock­tail shak­er set.

Lea’s work, which formed her MSc the­sis, is both provoca­tive and imag­i­na­tive: Lea went after the ancient tru­ism that clos­ing your eyes helps you in dif­fi­cult lis­ten­ing sit­u­a­tions. Turns out it’s not that sim­ple, but Lea estab­lished a very neat link to indi­vid­ual dif­fer­ences in alpha-pow­er dynam­ics. Watch this space for a new paper to come (Schmitt, Obleser, & Wöst­mann, forthcoming).

Lea is not only the first stu­dent to receive her MSc in the new Obleser lab in Lübeck, but (maybe not so) inci­den­tal­ly, she was main­ly super­vised by a for­mer Col­in Cher­ry Award win­ner him­self, Obleserlab’s own Malte Wöst­mann. Con­grat­u­la­tions to both!


PhD Stu­dent Lorenz Fiedler join­ing the Black­mar­ket for Use­ful Knowl­edge and Non-Knowl­edge, No. 19 as an expert

Dis­abil­i­ty, tech­no-bod­ies, and the ques­tion of auton­o­my. On Fri­day the 21th Octo­ber, Lorenz is join­ing the 19th “Schwarz­markt des Wis­sens” in Hamburg.

The Black­mar­ket attempts to bring togeth­er areas, which gen­er­al­ly do not belong togeth­er in pub­lic per­cep­tion: the real­i­ty of phys­i­cal and men­tal dis­abil­i­ty with crit­i­cal visions on the future of the body and soci­ety. Wheel­chair users, bio­hack­ers, cyborgs, post‑, trans- and para-humans and human­ists, sign lan­guage users, physi­cians, pros­thetists, ethi­cists, robot­ic experts and the neu­ro-diver­gent, artists, tech­no­log­i­cal prophets and crit­ics come togeth­er to invent an ethics for con­tem­po­rary bodies.”

Editorial Notes Events Posters Publications

See you at SfN

Soci­ety for Neu­ro­science 2015 is com­ing up. Please come and check out our stuff! Also, Jonas will be chair­ing the sym­po­sium on cor­ti­cal encod­ing of com­plex sound (with talks by for­mer PhD stu­dent Julia Erb and for­mer Post­doc Björn Her­rmann) on tues­day morning.

Posters by the Obleser lab:

Tues­day morn­ing Session:
FIEDLER et al., In-ear-EEG …, Board M46
WILSCH et al., Cor­ti­ca pat­terns of alpha pow­er …, Board Y1
Wednes­day after­noon Session:
LIM et al., Evoked respons­es and alpha oscil­la­tions …, Board BB37

See you there.