Postdoc position in the Obleser lab, in the ERC-funded project “Audadapt” — deadline for applications very soon! (Nov 30 2017). Check out all applications details here!
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SNAP 2017 — Timetable now online!
SNAP 2017 is drawing closer. Get ready and take a look at the program:
My colleagues and collaborator Peter Lakatos and Molly Henry and I took to our desks and Matlab consoles, when Assaf Breska and Leon Deouell came out earlier this year with their paper in Plos Biology.
We had a few things to say about what we then perceived as a rather pessimistic assessment of neural entrainment. However, since then a great and quite frutiful discussion has emerged, now published in Plos Biology:
Meanwhile, Breska and Deouell added some more behavioural data and replied to us (now also published).
— Enjoy!
PhD student Leonhard Waschke goes live (pre-peer-review) with his work on the states and traits of neural noise.
Here is the preprint of the paper, which now will undergo peer-review. Thanks for checking it out!
After great success in the past, we are proud to announce a new SNAP Workshop in 2017. It will take place at the University of Lübeck in December 2017 — save the date!
SNAP will gather 12–14 speakers and about 50 or so participants for comparably extensive talks and discussions in a two-day event, to be held amongst the pittoresque surroundings of UNESCO world heritage city Lübeck (near Hamburg). A poster session will be arranged. All details to follow.
Santa struck early this year: The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has just granted AC head Jonas (University of Lübeck) and brain-stimulation wiz Gesa Hartwigsen (now a group leader at AC’s former institution, the MPI in Leipzig) a joint 3‑year grant, worth 371,000 € in total, on “Modulating neural network dynamics of speech comprehension: The role of the angular gyrus”. This project will build on Gesa and Jonas’ recent paper in Cortex on the topic. Thanks again to the funding body and the helpful reviewers!
Very proud: PhD student Lorenz Fiedler goes live (pre-peer-review) with his work of predicting the focus of attention in single-channel/forward models in in-ear EEG!
Here is the preprint of the paper, which now will undergo peer-review. Thanks for checking it out!